In HIS Right Mind - Pastor Fred Price Jr.
Mental health issues are very prevalent in the world today. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ is not immune to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of the enemy to be fearful and anxious. Believers can be overcome by the satan's onslaught on their minds, leading to a state of constant mental turmoil, if they do not arm themselves with the mindset of Christ. In this teaching, Pastor Price delves into what the Word of God says about the sound mind we received at the new birth (II Tim. 1:7). He also cites from scripture the Believer's responsibility to maintain their sound mind with the Word of God. The Believer needs to arm himself with the mind of Christ. The Believer has a covenant right to be free of turmoil. (Phil. 4:6,7). You can prevent your mind from being overtaken by anxiety. Renewing your mind is ongoing for the rest of the Christian life (Rom. 12:1,2). No matter how developed your faith is, you cannot deviate from renewing your mind. It is essential that a Believer meditates on the Word of God, praying always in the Spirit (Jude 20). Only then can he or she hear from Our Heavenly Father how to respond correctly to a temptation, trial or test, according to the Word and not according to fear or anxiety.
In His Right Mind - Pastor Fred Price Jr. - Part 1
Mental health issues are very prevalent in the world today. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ is not immune to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of the enemy to be fearful and anxious. Believers can be overcome by the satan's onslaught on their minds, leading to a state of constant mental turmo...
In His Right Mind - Pastor Fred Price Jr. - Part 2
Mental health issues are very prevalent in the world today. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ is not immune to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of the enemy to be fearful and anxious. Believers can be overcome by the satan's onslaught on their minds, leading to a state of constant mental turmo...
In His Right Mind - Pastor Fred Price Jr. - Part 3
Mental health issues are very prevalent in the world today. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ is not immune to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of the enemy to be fearful and anxious. Believers can be overcome by the satan's onslaught on their minds, leading to a state of constant mental turmo...
In His Right Mind - Pastor Fred Price Jr. - Part 4
Mental health issues are very prevalent in the world today. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ is not immune to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of the enemy to be fearful and anxious. Believers can be overcome by the satan's onslaught on their minds, leading to a state of constant mental turmo...
In His Right Mind - Pastor Fred Price Jr. - Part 5
Mental health issues are very prevalent in the world today. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ is not immune to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of the enemy to be fearful and anxious. Believers can be overcome by the satan's onslaught on their minds, leading to a state of constant mental turmo...
In His Right Mind - Pastor Fred Price Jr. - Part 6
Mental health issues are very prevalent in the world today. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ is not immune to the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of the enemy to be fearful and anxious. Believers can be overcome by the satan's onslaught on their minds, leading to a state of constant mental turmo...