Jesus Christ Fact or Fiction?
Many people have no clue about what Christmas is really all about. They think it's about going into debt buying gifts. Many of the things associated with Christmas are fictitious: the man in the red suit, Rudolph the red-nose reindeer; and elves working busily in the North Pole. Because people know that's not reality, some have a tendency to wrap Jesus Christ in that same ribbon tying Him up in fiction. As Christians, we need to be able to separate fact from fiction when it comes to Christmas. In this teaching Apostle Frederick K.C. Price deals with the facts and fiction surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Fact or Fiction?
Many people have no clue about what Christmas is really all about. They think it's about going into debt buying gifts. Many of the things associated with Christmas are fictitious: the man in the red suit, Rudolph the red-nose reindeer; and elves working busily in the North Pole. Because people kn...